1. Membership :
All the bonafide students of the college and members of the teaching staff are members of the Guild. All the student members have the right to vote in the elections for the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary.
2. Executive Committee :
a) President – The Principal (Ex-Officio)
b) Vice-President – To be nominated by the Principal from among the members of the teaching staff.
c) Ass. Vice-President – To be nominated from the member of the teaching staff by the Principal.
d) Secretary – Any student of the College reading in Degree classes to be elected by the student members of the Guild.
e) Asst. Secretary – Any student of the college reading in First / Second year degree classes to be elected by the student members of the Guild.
3. Functioning of the Executive Committee :
i) a) The Secretary in consultation with the Vice-President shall convene meeting of the Executive Committee. He will record the minutes of all meetings.
b) The Secretary in consultation with the Vice-President shall draw up a programme and a budget on the working of the Guild for the year to be discussed and passed by the Executive Committee and finally submitted to the Principal.
ii) The Executive Committee shall select poor and deserving students to receive financial help from the funds of the guild.
4. In all matters relating to the Guild the Principals decision shall be final.
5. The President reserves to himself the right of amending cancelling or adding to the aforesaid rules in the best interest of the college as and when he deems it necessary.