Quality Initiatives


1. Promotion and preservation of traditional weaving

The institution has adopted Padmanavpur, the neighboring village of Digapahandi for traditional weaving as one of the best practices to preserve and promote it by encouraging the younger generation for the practice of this art of living to enhance their dexterity. The prime objective of this practice is to infuse the spirit of self sufficiency and to enable them to understand the value of dignity of labour. The practice of such age old traditional weaving will create a global demand and a market of the commodity resulting mass production and improvement of social-economic conditions of people along with employment generation. This art is genuinely felt for the skill development of students, they are motivated for the active involvement in such community for regular practice of the weaving skill. The training of the students is undertaken with the help of looms owned by the experts at Padmanavpur, the heritage village, nearby Digapahandi. Such Practice of weaving will enable them to popularize the age old art. Moreover, they can be the future ambassador of this rare and famous weaving art. To the credit of students they have also learnt designing in an excellent way by maintaining harmony of the colours with the threads. The Government has also moved to set up a training centre at the college. Both the state and central governments have been pleased with the activities and they provide financial assistance to the artisans of the village.

2. Pratice of Yogasan and Pranayam

As a result of IQAC initiative, the practice of Yogasana is institutionalized to inculcate a positive approach to life, to ensure equanimity of mind and self realization. Yoga is a systematic and methodical process to control and develop the body and mind. Yoga is the means to handle oneself in all life situations and to develop a healthy mind capable of distinguishing the real from the unreal and to face dualities of life with calmness. To promote self discipline, self control, to overcome health hazards and thereby to attain higher level of consciousness, yoga practice is implemented in the institution. With the help of trained yoga mentors along with the members of Patanjali yoga samiti, students attend the Yoga practice class in the college under the guidance of PET. They practise Surya Namaskar which is the combination of twelve Yoga Asanas and Pranayam. Apart from it, they practise Asanas like Makarasana, Mandukasana, Mayursana, Bajrsana, Padmsana ,Tadasana, Halasana and learn the therapeutic value of the Asanas. Yoga brings perfection in man as it is the realization of a man’s own divinity through the control of mind and body. The regular practice of Yoga and pranyam in the institution has improved concentration of students, better stamina and a balanced attitude for social activities. This practice is employed in the institution to enhance the emotional stability and moral values of students making them as the responsible citizens of the nation to perform their duties calmly without any hesitation.

Year Name of quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting activity  Duration (from – to) Number of participants
2013-14 Remedial coaching class for ST/SC/OBC non creamy layer and minorities.  12.2.2014 12.2.2014 to 1.3.2014 (18 days) 188
2014-15 Swachhata Abhijaan 15.11.2014 one day 100
2014-15 Self Defence training for girls 1.12.20`14,             to              15.12.2014 1.12.2014 to 5.12.2014(12 days) 27.1.2015 to 9.2.2015(12 days) 30+30=60
2014-15 Remedial coachng class for SC/ST/OBC students 5.12.2014 5.12.2014 to 28.2.2015 411
2014-15 Seminar on science and spirituality 13.12.2014 one day 100
2015-16 Plantation programe in the college campus 31.7.2015 one day 75
2015-16 Basic computer literacy training to staff members 29.7.2015 29.7.2015 to 3.8.2015(6 days) 36
2015-16 Hons in Eng,Irpm,Education,Botany,Zoology and Chemistry introduced. 15/7/2015 3 years semestar programme
2015-16 Weaving skill development training program for students  1.10.15 1.10.15 to 18.2.2016 30
2015-16 Self defence training programe for girls 23.11.2015, 7.12.2015 23.11.2015 to 7.12.2015(12 days) 9.1.2016 to 25.1.2016(12 days) 35+35=70
2015-16 Yoga training class for students 21.8.2015 one day 100
2015-16 Workshop on Diabetes 27.8.2015 one day 120
2015-16 Blood donation camp 10.9.2015 one day 100
2015-16 Career counselling program for govt. jobs 23.9.2015 one day 100
2015-16 Observance of Hand washing day 15.10.2015 one day 90
2015 -2016 Carrer counselling  programme 13-11-2015 one day 80
 2015-2016 Carrer counselling  programme 14-11-2015 one day 60
2015-2016 workshop on National Youth Day 12/1/2016 one day 100
2015-2016 Observance of Road safety Week 16-01-16  one day 80
2015-2016 celebration of Girl child 25-01-2016 one day  80
2015-2016 Yoga Training camp 6/2/2016 one day 60
2016-2017 International Yoga Camp 21-06-2016 One Day 110
2016-2017 Introduction Of Hons. in Commerce Stream Of Degree Class Jun-16
2016-2017 Basic computer literacy training to students 20-07-16 20-07-2016 110
2016-2017 Basic computer literacy training to staff 24-07-2016 24-07-2016 To 07-08-2016 40
2016-2017 Self Defence Training Program 1st Batch 15-09-2016 To28-09-2016 (12 days) 60
2016-2017 Swachha Bharat Aviyan 6/10/2016 One Day 80 
2016-2017 Self Defence training Program 2nd Batch 20-10-2016  To 02-11-2016 ( 12 Days ) 60
2016-2017 Observance Of National unity day 31-10-2016 One Day 80
2016-2017 Tech-Fest Workshop  in Collaboration With Centurian University 18-11-2016 One Day 100
2016-2017 Observace Of World Aids Day 11/12/2016 One Day 80
2016-2017 Career Counselling Program  6/12/2016 One Day 60
2016-2017 Government Job Awareness Camp 7/12/2016 One Day  60
2016-2017 Observance Of  World Kidney Day 9/3/2017 One Day 80
2016-2017 Installation Of Solar Power Generator on the Roof Top of College Building ( 5 KW ) 18-03-17 One Day 100
2016-2017 Computer and Internet Access Training Program for Sudents 20-03-2017 20-03-2017 To 30-03-2017 100
2017-18 Observance of International Yoga day 21-06-2017 one day 80
2017-18 Tree planting programme 5/7/2017 one day 100
2017-18 Health awareness Programme 12/7/2017 one day 80
2017-18 Pledge taking ceremony for building a new india 9/8/2017 one day 80
2017-18 Seminar on freedom struggle in India 28-08-17 one day 100
2017-19 Conduct of  debate competition on the occasion of ‘vigilence awareness week’ celebration 31-10-17 one day 15
2017-19 Conduct of debate competition on the occasion of ‘National Education Day’ celebration 7/11/2017 one day 10
2017-18 Observance of ‘World Aids Day ‘ 1/12/2017 one day 80
2017-18 Gender sensitization programme 19-01-18 one day 120
2017-18 Conduct of Vedic Knowledge Test 1/2/2018 one day 100
2017-18 Programme on Prime Minister’s Bikash Kausala Jojana(PMKVY) 2/3/2018 one day 100
2017-2018 Self Defence training programme for girls 11-12-17 to 23-12-17 12 days 90
2017-2018 Seif Defence training programme for girls 29-1-18 to 10-2-18 12 days 90