i. Post Accreditation quality sustenance Activity : Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC becomes a part of an institution system and work towards realizing the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance.
ii. Purpose: The prime task of IQAC is to develop system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the performance of the college. It may channelize the efforts and measures of an Institution towards academic excellence.
The basic purpose of the IQAC are:
a) To ensure continuous improvements in the entire operations of the institution.
b) To assure stake holders connected with higher education namely – Students, Parents, Teacher, Staff would be employers, funding agencies and society in general of the accountability of the institutions for its own quality and probity.
iii. Composition :
a. Chairperson – Head of the institution.
b. A few senior Administrative officers.
c. Three to four teachers.
d. One member of the management.
e. One or two members from local society.
f. One of the teachers as the co-coordinator of the IQAC.