Election Rules

1a) Once in the beginning of each academic session on such date as fixed by the Principal, election shall be held to different offices of the college union and other sister associations, societies provided that normal conditions prevail.

b)At least 7 days notice shall be given for the election. The election shall be conducted by the Principal or his nominee by Secret Ballot.

c)Nominations to such elections duly seconded shall be invited by the Principal to reach him in writing on or before a prescribed date not less than four days before the date of election. Such nomination should contain the consent of the nominees concerned. No student shall be a proposer or a seconder in more than one nomination paper for any one post. Nomination forms for the election will be available from the office on payment of necessary fees for each form, as decided by the Principal.

d)No member of the Union is eligible to contest for more than one office of the Union or sister association.

e)Every member of the Union has the right to vote in every election but no member shall give more than one vote for each of the offices to be filled.

f)Elections shall be conducted and votes recorded and attested in such manner as the Principal shall determine.

g)The Candidate obtaining largest number of votes shall be declared elected.

h)In case of equality of votes between any two or more candidates the election of the successful candidate will be decided by loterry.

i)Code of conduct for candidates and others :-

The following code of conduct has been prescribed for the candidates and voters, the violation of which shall entail cancellation of candidature, abrogation of voting right and/or other forms of punishment as per law.

1.If a candidate takes recourse to violence and intimidation possesses lethal weapons and prevents other candidates from filling nomination his candidature shall summarily be rejected.

2.If a voter indulges in violence, possess lethal weapons and prevents other candidates and voters from participating in the election processes, he shall be liable to punishment as per law.

3.Disfiguring the walls and rooms of the college buildings, compound walls and other public building is prohibited. Such acts will be considered an election offence and the penalty be imposed will be decided by the Principal. No plea regarding disfiguring walls, college building and public building by some body else will be entertained. Penalty may be made by imposition of fine or invalidation of nominations.

In respect of such matters as under i(1), i(2) and i(3) of this article the decision of the Principal shall be final and binding.


1.a) There can be recounting of votes for a particular office if two candidates secure a difference of five or less than five votes and appeal for recounting by any of them.
b)Any candidate who wants recounting of the votes as per 1(a) submit an application to the Principal within 24 hours of the declaration of result.

c)The application for recounting must necessarily be accompanied with a receipt of Rs.100/- (Nonrefundable) deposited at the college counter.

d)On close scrutiny of the complaint if it is to the satisfaction of the election committee the complainant will be asked to deposit Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) as fees for recounting.

e)If the candidate wins the election through recounting the deposit of Rs. 100/-will be refunded otherwise he will forfeit the claim for the said amount.

f)During recounting only the contestants for the post for which recounting is made will be allowed to be present.

g)The decision of the Principal pertaining to the matters of election is final.