Constitution for Seminars :
1.There shall be a seminar for every existing Honours subject of study in the college, the name of which shall be “KHEMUNDI COLLEGE (Name of the subject) Seminar”.
2.The main object of the seminar shall be the pursuit and promotion of study in the subject by means of holding seminar meetings, symposia, discussions and speeches from time to time on topics and problems relating to the subjects.
3.All students of the Honours Classes are ipso-facto members of the seminar. All teachers in the subject are honorary members.
4.The Head of the Department is the Director of the Seminar. He shall guide the seminar and preside over all academic meetings. In his absence, the next senior teacher present shall preside.
5.There shall be an Adviser for the seminar to be nominated by the Director from among the teachers of the Department.
6.The Executive Committee of the Seminar shall consist of the following :- (a) Director,
(b) Adviser, (c) Secretary, (d) Assistant Secretary.
7.The Secretary and the Assistant Secretary shall be nominated by the Director once in a session from among the +3 Final Year and +3 2nd Year students respectively.
8.The Secretary shall be responsible for organising the seminar activities under instruction from the Director and for maintain records, proceedings and accounts under his supervision. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary and assume all the responsibilities of the Secretary in his absence.
9.The seminar shall conduct, at the minimum, for academic discussions in course of a session, participation in seminar shall be encouraged and given due credit while issuing certificates to students.
10.The Seminar fee per Year shall be payable at the beginning of the year. The Adviser shall maintain the accounts of the seminar.
11.The Seminar library shall be operated under the general supervision of the Director through the Advisor. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Adviser in issuing books and keeping records.
12.The Principal is the Controller of all seminars. He may alter, amend or abrogate any or all of these rules at his discretion.