Self Defence Training for College Girl students


The state Government has launched a progressive youth policy for the benefits of young girl students of Odisha. This programme has been introduced for the girl students of this college from the session 2013-14. i. Objective: ♦ To empower Girl students. ♦ To instil self confidence. ♦ To enable the Girl Students to defend against physical assaults. Self defense training programme of higher education department for Girl Students plays a important role in this context and hence it is planned meticulously and executed with great sensitivity. ii. Composition : Chairman : Principal Convener : A senior members of the staff Nominated by the Principal (senior lady member of the staff). Member : Five members of the staff nominated by the principal (Lady members of the staff and PET.) iii. Function: The committee will meet from time to time, to monitor the training programme, will visit the training programme, will give guidance from time to time and look after the arrangements for smooth and successful conduct of training. SEXUAL HARASSMENT CELL (WOMEN) : i. Objective and Function: The aim of this body is to enquire and take appropriate steps according to law against the culprits involved in physical and moral harassment to any of the lady members (Students and Staff) inside the college campus & outside. The principal is empowered to arbitrate in these matters. ii. Composition : Convener : A senior lady members of the staff nominated by the principal. Members : Some members of the staff nominated by the principal.